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12 posts tagged with "laravel"

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· 2 min read
Luis Güette
Ronald Pereira
Wilson Velasco
Alexis Fraudita

We present Krater 1.6.0. In this new version, we have added a free version of Krater so that more developers can try it without any time limit. If you liked our tool, you can unlock its full potential with Krater Pro, which includes all the features of Krater without any limitations.

· 3 min read
Ronald Pereira

Over the past few weeks, we've been working on strengthening Krater's DB Query Analyzer, completing another iteration in which we've managed to scan the structures of the tables involved in the queries as well as resolving various bugs. In this article, we're going to review each of the changes in this new release!

· 9 min read
Ronald Pereira

Hello! If you have been following our articles, you may remember reading that Krater was being developed with Rust using Tauri. However, this is no longer the case because a few months ago we made the decision to migrate the entire project to Wails (Golang). In this article, we will discuss our experience and why we made such a risky decision to migrate an entire application from one language to another.

· 5 min read
Ronald Pereira
Luis Güette
Francismar Suarez
Alexis Fraudita
Wilson Velasco

Hello! Recently, we published and shared our latest great product with the world called Krater, a cross-platform desktop application that can take your debugging and development experience with Laravel to the next level. In this article, I would like to share with you the reasons behind the existence of Krater, what it aims to solve, its benefits, and where it is heading in the future.

· 9 min read
Luis Güette

Are you looking to take your Laravel blog to the next level by injecting dynamic content? Do you want to make your code more flexible and reusable? Look no further! In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to use the powerful combination of the Spatie Laravel Markdown package and Livewire components to render custom Livewire components in markdown for your Laravel project.

· 6 min read
Luis Güette

Recently, I had to create a simple settings page to manage general settings for a website with Filament. Filament is a Laravel-based admin panel that provides an intuitive interface for managing your application's data.

In this blog post, I'll walk you through the steps I took to create the settings page, including how to use migrations to store the data, how to update the settings from the Filament admin panel, and how to dynamically build the edit form depending on the setting type.

· 3 min read
Ronald Pereira

Collections in Laravel allow us to represent a set of objects and manipulate them in multiple ways. We could say that they are like an array with batteries, which makes them really useful when working with Laravel, but have you ever wonder how to make your own collection?